
Showing posts from October, 2012

be fearless

“When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, fluid, kind, and fearless.” Byron Katie

our promise to love completely...

“Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.” Erich Fromm


did I blame you for those mistakes? forgive me because it was me who gave you a power to drive my life

looking into my past...

and ask myself to be genuine embrace my past as it is.. not eager to change it after all this is my life, the richness of  my journey


is  not here whenever my fake self image doesn't insist me to be my number one or whenever I am brave enough to be honest and let others perceive me as I am


these worries of yours are mine I am listening and silence talks loudly more than words we are sitting and having cups of coffee and you know exactly that fears are sitting with us too.. It is okay because my arms are around you

luxury in life..

they are precious luxuries whenever.. seeing sunrise while jogging touching those leaves and flowers light smell from my hair after shower sleeping in the middle of reading a great book having tea and chatting with strangers and when I become a pessimist I could easily borrowing your eyes to see your world and mine smile and laugh with you It is a precious luxury whenever I realize that impermanence accentuates the extraordinary sides of our ordinary lives

words are...

Listen to what you say about yourself. Negative thoughts don’t need to become negative words. The moment you speak something outright it takes on a whole new meaning and a whole new energy. It’s better to say nothing than to say something negative. Negative words cancel out Gods plan – you’re cursing your future, you’re cursing your life with your words. You can use your words to curse your life or you can use your words to bless your life. Call in good, call in light, call in love and call in divine help. Don’t talk about problems, talk about solutions. We are not reporters of our life, but we are forecasters of our life. Quit letting the little self talk to you and talk you down and start talking to your little self. We should call to the invisible as if it were already visible. Call in to that which you desire, call it with faith filled words, call it with light. Change your world by changing your words. ♥ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan (Quantum Awakening)

thousands nights

for thousands nights, not sleeping with you for mornings when I was not the one you saw when you woke up nights and morning they counted patiently each and every breaths of ours till they become our nights and mornings


I thought that my wishes are not for me kept quiet while saw me in doubts the fact is they are waiting...for me  


saw your sadness felt like the same pain stabbed me being human, bound with these connected souls always make me speechless

romantic me

call me romantic but trust me I don't know the other way to feel my life and yours than this

no separation

looked into your palm saw those lines you may live longer than me, I said you stared bluntly at me.. how could you be so naive I had known you before I met you no space and time could separate love  

your eyes..

looking into your eyes listening closely to our secrets touching lightly your life and mine make me wonder how life could be so generous to me

enjoy our weakness

when see others' weakness I should not turn around and complain it feels like a pure patience whenever stop whining and start laughing cause I could see the same weakness in me

glittering with happiness

blue sky keeps remind me this mental baggage weight you down no reason to take them along it says again and again till exhausted you are my diamond dust, swirling like others for years and centuries why not glittering with happiness celebrating your soul not problems

too late..

how dare I am write thousands love poems waiting to sing hundred love songs with you not realize that love is so powerful sweep me away I could easily risk myself how dare we are but it is too late because my heart may be not mine anymore and your heart is already occupied by me

simply wonderful..


doubts and love

we were busy talking about doubts could we talk about move on? before, we're so eager hiding our wishes lets talk about uncertainties, secure commitment is not always with us could we walk your arms around me.. it is simple when our love's accepting our doubts

simple life and letting go

I don't have much and comparing is not in my dictionary.. could feel more by letting go life is simple and I am too..

find us in forgiveness

could you find us? It is time when we forget  how long we' ve been separated find us in forgiveness while love sits with us  

be harsh?

they think, could win by playing hard be harsh, words are not chosen kindly hurting easily I prefer flowing lightly let others think they are the winners, conquerors  cause losers or winners right or wrong doers are only words Its okay chill out.. enjoying my journey here

a true love

some said life would be easier without these unpredictable stuffs of relationships. safer, no hurt feelings free from "surprises" i said failures, pains, broken vows they are innocent as life keeps insist they take you closer to yourself to meet and be with your true love “The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was." Rumi

who are you?

the question is why do you know me in details? know exactly what things I like or dislike? my feelings and thoughts.. you smile and answer because you are so crystal clear and accepting me, us

life is the dancer...and you are the dance

There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness: One With Life. Being one with life is being one with Now. You then realize that you don’t live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer, and you are the dance.  Eckhart Tolle

a promise

"I promise myself that I will enjoy every minute of the day that is given me to live.”Thich Nhat Hanh


touching your heart with mine deepen day by day with tons of discussions over cups of coffee crying or giggles late breakfasts staring at each others with amazement far or near this simple life for us, each and every moment is folded with this unbelievable message we are created from love and for love...

love is..

whenever you feel blessed with unbelievable abundance just by seeing those smiles

my beloved stupidity

before I was very angry with my stupidity hate my quirkiness panic when saw my self image broke into pieces God, please don't let them think I am an idiot anyway life is supposed to be fun why do I have to hide them without my stupidity and my weirdness I am not me



made notes last night

I need to write down, clearing my soul this feeling's pouring down light and sweet vast and nothing at the same point being a human but touching the heaven is always overwhelming beautiful my heart's speechless

I am..

independent adventurer untouchable far brave and love makes me touch my weakness


for years I prayed and thought I wasn't worth enough to get what I need I was wrong my prays are waiting for me to appreciate myself first before appreciate what I get


made me choosing the other road where I met you forced me to rediscover us.... mistakes are my blessings in disguise

exchange the pain

this should be not a trigger for disagreement as we know exactly we are mirroring each others

feeling empty

you said couldn't smile when others smile or laugh with them are you afraid of others happiness? and make yourself numb so no weakness appeared.. be ease flowing

my ego

is the same like my little black dress love to wear make me feel beautiful anytime anywhere still my little black dress is not me

love hurts

because..our egos are the ones who walking and kissing under the moon

you are..

so special brave enough to call me.. "baby, put down and keep your wings in the attic let's have dinner stop talking like you're already citizen of the seventh sky"

it is Paris

for me and you.. with different Eiffel different boulevard different cafe and cups of coffee we drink together even though there is no winter and snow we learned the secret through the years we're apart after we did taste the pain walking without each others

human love and stubbornness to keep showing up

from old manuscript, at accra

we need to awake the love sleeping within us before we awaken love in other


it was hurt alone in despair dumped with no light was I created from love? but for what? years passed until this was answered life or person are not the guilty ones I am the one who didn't listen to "me" crushed my talents and prides under my feet torn my wings crawling, not flying built barriers and limitations diligently at last, my self who nurtured me you are precious beyond what you could understand

peace and chaotic

sounds smells lights so chaotic still I feel peace inside I am at the center of this world as I am with you

flowers in life

why I couldn't see this simple beauty in every details maybe I am crowded with too many unimportant things as my days, one by one, were unfolded not aware of how beautiful life is...

speechless and love

although I may try to describe love, when I experience it, I am speechless. Rumi

in peace

there is no controversy when you see me it is you that you see

run away

whenever see you with my fears hopes future or past coward will be my middle name and running away is the only thing in my head

is there a way?

for not feeling this much could carry me away drown me talked to my heart asking there a way? she answered so sorry for experience this pain coz I was created to swim without hesitation this deep vast ocean of your life honesty and intimacy are in my core

love is..

whenever you get immerse into forget your humanity touch immortality learn that you are.. independent and dependent, strong and weak, nothing and everything, at the same time

breathing...for you

Peterpan Ft Momo Geisha - CobalahMengerti.mp3

from The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

To create the life of your dreams, the time has come for you to love You. Focus on Your joy. Do all the things that make You feel good. Love You, inside and out. Everything will change in your life, when you change the inside of you. Allow the Universe to give you every good thing you deserve, by being a magnet to them all. To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love

you are...

NOAH Band - separuh aku.mp3

Yogjakarta, the essence of Indonesia

The citizens of Yogyakarta were celebrating the appointment of King Sri Sultan of Yogyakarta Hamengkubuwono X as their governor. Along Malioboro Street , the street vendors provided tumpengan . The shops are already closed along Malioboro and some played Gending Java . That noble community initiative and spontaneity show the essence of being Indonesians.

from Rumi

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.

a loser

in life.. why do I have to win all the games? when I could taste more when losing could ask my ego disappear for some times


Do I have rights to reconstruct you to become my "you"?

sit with me..

sit near me have a cup of coffee I am listening and don't come with your laughs your smiles your jokes your cleverness or stupidity no ego mask and fakes are out of town shhh I am listening sit with me in "no words allowed" world


honestly I prefer to marry permanence want to walk side by side with routine forever the same attributes or roles I beg life...crying, desperately because I hate changes Life doesnt agree and keeps laughing said again you are wired, created for impermanence never for permanence


pure humanly human...

I do love making excuses creating reasons stay in disguise my ego experts talking artificial conversation because feel safer wearing those than naked pure as human

from Hafiz

“I should not make any promises right now, But I know if you Pray Somewhere in this world - Something good will happen.”

looking into lovers eyes..

not Juliet am not Mumtaz never be Layla but I could be them all in a simple way looking deep into lovers eyes

be in love..

am afraid..honestly.. be in love opening up my wounds and pains facing again my own separations and failures till hopeless and powerless swallow up my happiness I prefer to run away again.. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live; Rumi said your journey is not about find new places or hearts starting all over again.. journey is living with feelings you fear to live with... where his arms are around you

and Ubud, Bali


lebih indah



forgive me... for let myself sleeping travel around in my dreams not taking you along.. “When I am with you, we stay up all night. When you're not here, I can't go to sleep. Praise God for those two insomnias! And the difference between them.” Rumi

miracle is...

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child -- our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

a flower on my coffee

I might say its just another ordinary day with another cup of coffee and there was someone.. draw a flower on my coffee opening up my eyes  scream loud to my heart there is no such things like ordinary in life (and you are my precious gift from life)

and snob is...

A snob is anybody who takes a small part of you and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you are.” (Alain de Botton)

dont let snobs drive you crazy!

why I need you

my soul likes wandering around, peeking, flying toward skies forget that she should stay here and you are the one who keeps me put down the wings be human walking, feeling, be arogant greedy, demanding..needy and thats why I need you so much,..

going home...

death is going home... if I did bury "me, I, mine" before