
Showing posts from January, 2012


Rumi. I have left my tent and being alone but ... my heart tells me how could I leave him.. he is in my soul ... away from his life, stabbed me ... Rumi starred at me ... If so. .. be like a sun.. and let him be your earth let go..shall fear not nights without him become your nights till the universes realize That you both are soul mates ...

from Rumi

Let go of your worries and be completely clear-hearted, like the face of a mirror that contains no images. If you want a clear mirror, behold yourself and see the shameless truth, which the mirror reflects. If metal can be polished to a mirror-like finish, what polishing might the mirror of the heart require? Between the mirror and the heart is this single difference: the heart conceals secrets, while ...

past and future

past and future, they are dusts on my window glass.. need to wipe off the hopes and fears..away being here and me and with me

from "the art of loving" Erich Fromm

love means: 1. be centered, concentrate...ability to love and be alone with yourself 2.listen, listen and listen fully in present, don't see him/her through your past or future 4. about see others without your fears or expectations or hopes 5.when u are afraid of not being loved the real are afraid of loving him/her. and love is about commit  without guarantee

my pray 2

we were born under the same sky and love under... pray to God... if there were other beautiful skies created please... let me love him under those..