
Showing posts from February, 2018

Our love..

We go and walk into our secrets.. I dive into your life and embrace your sadness, your questions, your cleverness and strength, your braveness and fears.. You venture into my life and taste my honesty, my eagerness to enjoy every journeys taken, my deep thinking.. Spirituality and the taste of life.. Yours and mine, the past and the future. And the now, as we laugh heavenly as you hold me in your arms. love is easy and kind..complicated and beautiful..wild and naive..witty and calm.. A language that can be understood only by lovers.

an honest observation..

this imperfection could be my perfection.. while I was looking deeply into my weakness and flaws.. listened to my naiveness.. once again love took out a piece of me that had tried to hide from be seen by me. it is beautiful and honest.. and wild..